Stephen Moyer

Teacher & Student of the Art of Writercraft

Selected Works
  • He wasn’t sure, Stanley Pivot, that is he, whether the burning pilot in an iron cage was guilty enough to warrant death by fire. Bomb those who are ISIS favoured? I think not.

  • Whatever happened to forgiveness and diplomacy? Why is it that corporate monies always seem to be involved with causes?

  • Israeli Administration daily releases the total number of Hamas rockets that have fallen on the occupied lands they call their own.

Quotes & Links
  • What good do they do when the young will eagerly go, will gladly man a bench, willingly handle with dexterous skill joy-sticks that could fly hundreds, maybe thousands of deadly drones into insurgent haunts? And then get to watch their targets sail through their beloved country’s air?

    -From Droning On and On

  • And what’s been accomplished, what’s been done, other than more destruction, more killing, the women and children first?

    -From The Bathers and the Watchers

  • I need to speak, you need to speak, he and she needs to, and so do they, we all need to speak about this, to free not only ___, but also ourselves from this deafening silence. We need to hear the babble the bark the bite of speech that is human, untrammelled by decree.

    -From Concerning the Ostracizing of ____