A Politician’s Reply

About this one, not much needs to be said. Those elected or appointed to run our affairs seem to be vulnerable, seem to be liable to losing their ways. Since they’re hired to lead us, we too find ourselves adrift and unable to find again our course which seemed so true when first we joyfully set out.

“Honestly . . .
“To be honest . . .
“In all honesty . . . 

Lies are meant
to keep
the truth
in reasonable

Order being
a human
to repeat

Repeat a lie
often enough
it starts to rival
the truth
it contends
to back

“Liar, liar,
pants on fire,
your nose
is as long as
a telephone

“We went through this golden age of banking, and I just thought that everybody lost their [his] compass.”
Shiela C. Bair, FDIC Chairwoman, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. New York Times, Saturday, July 4, 2009, p 12

There were those before committee who were heard to say, they hadn’t
realized their seat was that hot.

“Is something burning?”

“In all honesty . . .
“To be honest . . .
“Honestly . . .

August 1, 2009

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