“Honestly . . .
“To be honest . . .
“In all honesty . . .
Lies are meant
to keep
the truth
in reasonable
Order being
a human
to repeat
Repeat a lie
often enough
it starts to rival
the truth
it contends
to back
“Liar, liar,
pants on fire,
your nose
is as long as
a telephone
“We went through this golden age of banking, and I just thought that everybody lost their [his] compass.”
Shiela C. Bair, FDIC Chairwoman, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. New York Times, Saturday, July 4, 2009, p 12
There were those before committee who were heard to say, they hadn’t
realized their seat was that hot.
“Is something burning?”
“In all honesty . . .
“To be honest . . .
“Honestly . . .
August 1, 2009