The family had a mother and father, two girls and a son were busy through the winter organizing its newly acquired space, Stanley assumed, and thus everything was peaceful until spring arrived and it was then that Stanley’s unkind thoughts began to emit into his mind and rooms, swelling as they often did into swear words of the vilest kind. initially they focussed on the bikes, there wre two of them , his and hers, for his long legged stately wife often rode with her squeeze. Read more…

Runyon Slade couldn’t write like he used to, couldn’t type as then, didn’t want to record what seemed to presently have eluded him, If there were any essence there at all. He was sick to a death of the world and its weather which seemed to some people, those who suffered its wrath, to be a measure of punishment for their miscarriages of their judgement and justice. Corruption and theft were rampant, siphoning off huge amounts of public money through the malfeasance of those elected to public office. Read more…

Dear Reader,
He was asking Stanley Pivot how what he wrote about was decided upon. He answered “What needed to be said, wasn’t being said.” And so he risked stating these thoughts at the chance that they might not be printed. The world as Stanley perceived it was much more primitive than it used to be, much more aggressively vengeful than only a year ago. As a result the more humane strains of liberal thought had been lost to academic discourse, and civility had disappeared beneath a furrowed brow and wrathful looks of disdain and disagreement. Read more…

“We will find you. We will hold you accountable.” Barack Obama
Stanley was reading the front page headlines of the Toronto Globe and Mail, Friday April 19, 2013, a few days after the pressure cooker bombs went off disrupting a premier American cultural event, the Boston Marathon, killing three spectators/participants. Read more…

Stanley decided to send his collection of essays, his blogs, to his friend and former student in Turkey without much thought to whether its contents might be considered too radical to be allowed into that country. Nor whether his mailing of the two three-ring binders might be taken from their postal route, opened and looked at with suspicious eyes, especially at the at the provocative shots and then drawing unwarranted conclusions about what the piece was about and then running to his boss with shouts of “Boss, boss, terrorist, terrorist!” Read more…

An official card of protest,
Mr. Harper’s short and insensitive letter that he and thus the Canadian people hoped that the Venezuelan people could build a more promising future, now that their beloved commandant Hugo was dead after his long battle with cancer. Who does this man Harper think we are that he should send off such a thoughtless piece of sophomoric trivia to the family and people Chavez had bolstered and supported with the heart of a lion in the presence of American interruption and attempted coups? Does he believe we pas through this news blindly as his advisers apparently do who should allow such a letter to leave his office. And what does this say about his appreciation of Native Idle No More marches? And its content seem to speak to his backbenchers who have risen up and demanded that they, of all people, should be granted opportunity to express their view unclouded by Harper’s peculiar sentiments. They must remain quiet and silent waiting for his okay and approval to parrot what he’s said in their own words. Read more…

Stanley Pivot didn’t know what to think. What prompted the lengthy message in Turkish? Where did it come from? Who sent it? Was it a warning from a disgruntled reader of his Book-format of his website? Were there pieces there which the reader didn’t agree with, and had threatened reprisal in the Turkish Stanley didn’t understand? Why was it programmed to fade slowly as it did? Were its content not intended to be fully appreciated? Was his trip then leading him into some sort of trap? Read more…

With Oscar Pistorius’ shooting of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, he has added merely one more to the 2500 other women abused and assaulted annually with guns by men in South Africa. It’s so frequent it’s old hat and no longer an event attracting societal concern, although President Zuma had apparently included a reference to this bewildering statistic in his speech he was to give that valentine afternoon. Read more…

These words taken from Ridley Scott’s film “Blade Runner” from his last replicant just before he died. They also seem to ring presciently for Mr. Pritorius for he recently has been charged with murder of his girlfriend and has been taken to jail. One must wonder whether he knows of fear and thus that he knows of being a slave. Mr. Batty the replicant dies as soon as he speaks these words. His replicant, obsolescent clock has expired. Read more…