How Long Do You Plan to stay?

rational thought, forsaken

There aren’t but a few citizens in North America, if not the world, who don’t know the craziness of American gun laws, at the State and Federal level. For example the Stand and Deliver rule in Florida or the Right to Carry law in any number of states. 

Now , any visitor who plans to remain in the U.S. for more than a month will be obliged to attend Gun School. Why you ask is this legislation being proposed, already tabled? Without adequate discussion? With no apparent logical reason? But we must keep reminding ourselves this is gun law we’re examining, wherein rational thought is regularly forsaken.

Apparently at the bottem is the fact that there are slightly more than one gun per citizen and thus any visitor is likely to run across one of these weapons sometime during his stay, and, as the “thinking” goes these visitors should know something about that gun’s name, manufacturer, the model and something about how it works. Why this would be useful, I do not know

It seems to me that this knowledge is an open invitation to the visitor and trained student to participate in whatever’s happening where the gun is discovered. Likely the further went into this bizarre proposal, I could “see” prospective “terrorists” being trained by the very country they wished to assail, and overthrow. Would there not be a further bulging of American prisons as a part result of this training facility?

Is this legislation being put forward by the anxious members of the National Rifle Association the NRA to further its hold on legislation pertaining to guns. What qualifies a visitor other than his length of stay? Age, sex, race, background, value to the economy, country of origin?

I forget the name of the Congressman who presented this bill but I believe his name rhymes with “does”.

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