Let’s count rockets and who has them

Israeli Administration daily releases the total number of Hamas rockets that have fallen on the occupied lands they refer to as their own. The lands they have encroached upon over the decades in the face of world wide condemnation. On these lands are built settlements which are filled with those still eager to emigrate to that put upon country. These settlers often decide that they shall perform vigilante actions of harassment and destruction. Assassination of local Palestinian residents, the felling of their orchards, the killing of their livestock, the wounding of those who attend these minimal aspects of survival, the blowing up of sacred buildings, their defaming other religious sites. The building of a defence wall which quarters the area into what have been called bantustans. Given all this and the blockades and restrictions, the endless, deliberate humiliation members of the Gaza Strip suffer, not to mention long lists of restrictions which contain materials that would allow a rebuilding of what destruction the Israeli Armed forces has rendered. 

Surely these impositions take the form of rockets to the Palestinian heart as deadly and provocative as those counted by Israeli Forces. The Phrase “shooting fish in a barrel” comes to mind the attacks on Gaza City and the Gaza Strip being nothing more than an open air prison. These psychological rockets have been deliberately assessed concocted, but not included in the calculation of who has fired more rockets than the other. That such a total be kept is alarming, I’m surprised the Litres of blood summation hasn’t appeared in the books of “Who deserves what” in retaliation. May the Israeli citizens rally in balancing the Rocket Books and urge cessation of this cyclical back and forth, destruction.

Might there be attention payed to the reason why this bloodshed has been resumed?

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