I speak, you speak, he speaks and so does she, they do too, we all speak, to express our ideas, our reactions and opinions that well up in us and require a voice. This need for verbal expression is very necessary, in fact a completion of ourselves as human beings. Communication of this kind defines our position in the world and in some cases encourages others to consider also taking this position, at least listen to what’s said.
The assumption is, whenever speaking occurs, that it will be done without interruption, that it will be listened to and heard with respect and courtesy, that what is said might even be thought about. And, furthermore, that no penalty will follow if what is said is disagreed with. Freedom of speech is one of the fundamental planks in any democratic constitution. The freedom to speak defines democracy. Furthermore, if that freedom is limited in any way, then “democracy” no longer describes this society; it becomes something less human less free; it becomes something more frightening for it begins to fill with decrees.
The leaders of the student body have decreed, have decreed and demanded that no student should speak to __________ because these leaders disagree with something she has said. Not only have they trampled on her right to free speech, but they have decided for all the others that this trampling should be done. On both accounts these tramplings are wrong She has the right to speak, and the other students have the right to disagree. But these rights belong to individuals, not to a few leaders who decide for everyone else.
Thus __________ has been ostracized from her student community, not to be spoken to by any of her colleagues or friends, and those who do, also face penalty.
What is this? How has this come to pass? The students at __________ ore all very bright, in one way or another. How is it they have found themselves following down this dictatorial road?
I need to speak, you need to speak, he and she needs to, and so do they, we all need to speak about this, to free not only __________, but also ourselves from this deafening silence. We need to hear the babble the bark the bite of speech that is human, untrammelled by decree.
April 12, 2004