Those who’d rather not be fried
stepping into the upward draft
lying back as though in a bath
they slowly sank to a disbelieving death.
“Thud.” “Thud.” “Thud, thud.”
’twas the body’s heavy ordinance
as its spirit exploded from its flesh.
“Thud, thud thud.”
three more whose owners feared
the roaring furnace flames.
Softly, we the watchers
slowly wilted
for here and there
several also fell
departed in a faint
from what they saw.
“Thud.” “Thud, thud.”
then silence,
until the building broke
and they all fell
they did
they all fall down.
Their dust and ashes
chased us down streets
into corners
where we began to die
a less heroic death.
Our swan song
cough and choke and hack
gag and gag
gurgle, spit,
we cannot breathe.
Oh to float to death
and not to wheeze
to explode
in one violent sneeze.