Two friends of mine, one B, one E,
were out for a country walk.
The sky, its blue, its vast expanse,
The swooping of a hawk.
We stretched our arms and flapped our wings
and followed best we could,
but still our feet stayed in the grass,
perhaps it’s as they should.
I asked the two, one boy, one girl,
If people we should fly.
They answered, “Yes.” I cocked my head,
and this was their reply.
“If I could fly, I’d say “Hello.”,
’twas B who answered first,
“and tell the birds they are my friends
before the spell reversed.”
“If I could fly,” said E the girl,
“I’d climb up to the hawk
and glide with it forevermore,
in beauty we would lock.”
Such wondrous thoughts, from B and E,
Their hearts they clearly sing.
They also saw their mind could fly
as though it too had wings.
Two friends of mine, one B, one E,
Were out for a country walk.
They floated home on puffs of wind,
we joined our friend the hawk.