Tag: Politics

The following sentences are memorial of the death of Berkin Elvan a 15 year old Turkish boy who was struck by a teargas canister shot by police who were sent to disperse protesters of the building of a mall in Gezi Park. Berkin was on his way to the store to buy bread for his family. […]

There aren’t but a few citizens in North America, if not the world, who don’t know the craziness of American gun laws, at the State and Federal level. For example the Stand and Deliver rule in Florida or the Right to Carry law in any number of states. 

Robben Island, South Africa’s Alcatraz, had not suffered a loss for 27 years, until the S.A. government released its most notorious tenant according to what it had decreed. Life imprisonment was the unexpected verdict, but twenty-seven years was all that was served, the rest of the world deeming finally that the penalty was too harsh […]

He Said: “The more I read the cables [720,000 of them] the more I came to the conclusion that this type of information should become public • • . I thought that these cables were a prime example of the need for more open diplomacy” 

I met a traveler from an antique land Who said: Surely some revelation is at hand; Surely a second Second Coming is at hand. For somewhere in the sands of the desert a shape with lion body and head of a man, a gaze blank and pitiless as the sun Is moving its slow thighs, […]

Dear Reader, He was asking Stanley Pivot how what he wrote about was decided upon. He answered “What needed to be said, wasn’t being said.” And so he risked stating these thoughts at the chance that they might not be printed. The world as Stanley perceived it was much more primitive than it used to […]

“We will find you. We will hold you accountable.”  Barack Obama Stanley was reading the front page headlines of the Toronto Globe and Mail, Friday April 19, 2013, a few days after the pressure cooker bombs went off disrupting a premier American cultural event, the Boston Marathon, killing three spectators/participants. 

Stanley decided to send his collection of essays, his blogs, to his friend  and former student in Turkey without much thought to whether its contents might be considered too radical to be allowed into that country. Nor whether his mailing of the two three-ring binders might be taken from their postal route, opened and looked at with […]

An official card of protest, Mr. Harper’s short and insensitive letter that he and thus the Canadian people hoped that the Venezuelan people could build a more promising future, now that their beloved commandant Hugo was dead after his long battle with cancer. Who does this man Harper think we are that he should send […]

With Oscar Pistorius’ shooting of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, he has added merely one more to the 2500 other women abused and assaulted annually with guns by men in South Africa. It’s so frequent it’s old hat and no longer an event attracting societal concern, although President Zuma had apparently included a reference to this […]