Recently Stanley Pivot had been listening to an AM radio station that plays clips of well known stand-up comic’s and the longer he listened the more he disliked what he heard. The laughter from the audience which was apparently there before the comic began to seem to Stanley to be nothing more than a laugh track stuck in behind the comic’s routine inappropriately, they didn’t match, what the artist said and the audience’s response. Much of what was said according to Stanley wasn’t laughable either. Thus he began to take considerable notice of the words and story line of what was presented. Thus Stanley started to evolve his standup routine which the more he prepared the more excited he became. Some conclusions he immediately drew.
There are certain word which in themselves provoke laughter and certain situations which encompass these words both of which cause listeners to chuckle. The ones that came tp Stanley’s mind was “fart” the noun or the verb and a visit to the bathroom in response to what the need to fart portends and all the associated terms with these locations are.
Kids enjoy letting farts at anytime anywhere. Find great glee in this not to mention the setting them on fire as they enter the sober, sedate room where many of the adults present spend considerable energy suppressing their apparent indignation and riotous belly laughs from overflowing. So the guests stumble in the door on the verge of farting themselves, smiling broadly nevertheless their decorum not with standing. Host and hostess want to know the joke and of course explanation’s not available: too much suppressed glee and sputtering, most are on the verge of spontaneous laughter until the belly hurts, nothing need be said, if so another round of raucousness will emit.
There are places where this phenomenon survives, thrives, camp for boys and the farm. Witness little Jimmy and Grandpa who is Jimmy’s delight for he seems to have to fart every minute and trudge up the hill to the farm’s outhouse, kaibo. His recurrent question about Grandpa was always “Will Grandpa explode if he doesn’t fart as much as he does?” His Dad always replied ” we hope not, of course not.” With each visit to the farm Jimmy couldn’t wait to spy on Grandpa until he could say with certainty “There he goes, up the hill, Dad, I’ve never seen him run , he must be really full, eh Dad?” He’s had the flu lately that’s probably why he’s in a hurray. “Hope he makes it.” Jimmy had always been compassionate.
Jimmy hadn’t noticed the strength of the wind and that it had taken the outhouse door off its hinges. Jimmey was in awe of Grandpa’s power “‘-·starring at the door hanging on one 1nge.
“Gee” is all he could say as he wished for Granp’s stength.
“Hey Dad. did you see that?”